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Species richness in community forestry and exploration of relationship among area, flora and fauna

Author Affiliations

  • 1United for Sustainable Development, Kathmandu, 44600, Nepal
  • 2Kathmandu Forestry College, Kathmandu, 1276, Nepal

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 9, Issue (2), Pages 32-43, April,8 (2021)


Forest biodiversity is increasingly threatened as a result of human being, and to discourage its loss, urgent need to apply all the possible measures has been realized. Study of species richness has great importance to support in the conservation, resource management and sustainable development planning. However, its data deficiency and resulting unclear relationship among area, flora and fauna are major concerns. The purpose of this study was to study incorporation status of species richness into operational plans, and to identify relationships among area, flora and fauna through assessing species richness in the community forests of different geographical regions of Nepal. We observed trivial number of species mentioning in operational plans than they really existed. Furthermore, there was weak positive correlation between size of the area and species richness and we found comparatively good species richness even in the community forests with smaller areas. Similarly, the correlation between flora and fauna was moderately positive and we observed the number of flora greater than the number of fauna in most of the community forests of terai/siwalik and hill but fauna was higher in mid-mountain. Besides this, overall species richness was found to be highest in terai/siwalik and the least in mid-mountain.


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